Saturday, July 30, 2016

The life of the HeARt

:: The life of the heart ::

We try to understand the heart more
We try to approach the heart
The word qalb comes from taqalup which is flipping
Flipping and fluctuation
The heart is being called qalb because it keeps flipping
It changes from one state to the other
A human being goes through different ups and downs

Sometimes a person feels happy
Just a few seconds later
The same person feels sad
Sometimes you have hope
Sometimes you are willing to do something
A few seconds later
You don’t want to do it
This is the reality of human beings
And this is the reality of the heart
It keeps fluctuating.. keeps flipping
From one side to the other
From one opinion to another
And the prophet s.a.w pointed to this reality or to this fact
When he said :
That the heart is between two of the fingers of Allah. He flips them as he wishes.
So the heart is between two of fingers of Allah. And Allah flips the hearts as he wishes
Obviously, according to his knowledge
According to his wisdom
And according to his justice
This is the general context of this hadith

The heart has been designed by Allah
And Allah put a need in the heart to know Allah
To know the descriptions of Allah
To know the attributes of Allah
Everything Allah told us about Himself
In the Quran and prophet S.A.W told us about
Allah in the authentic sunnah
Is something that the heart needs
In order to find real tranquillity
Real happiness and real success

Now something else we have to point out 
that as human beings have life
The heart also has it’s own life
With it’s own characteristic
With it’s own traits
The heart has a special kind of life
The scholars have pointed out from their own understanding
That they have derived from the Quran and the authentic sunnah
That human beings have life, the heart has life
And the real life in this world
Is the life of the heart
This is why the people who have no knowledge about Allah
The people who have no faith in Allah
As he told us about himself in the Quran and the authentic sunnah
These people have no real life
Because there is the life of the heart
There is the life of the body
These are two types of life that we have..

The majority of human beings
They focus their attention on the life of the body
While neglecting the life of the heart
And this is why they leave their hearts to suffer until they die
While focusing and paying great attention to the life of the body
And the reality is there is a higher form of life
And a lower or a lesser form of life
The lower one is the life of the body
Why.. because the animals have this life of the body
And they live throughout their lives
Only with this lesser or this lower quality of life
But there is this spiritual type of life
There is the higher life which the life of the heart
Which animals have no clue about

And unfortunately
That a great deal of people amongst human beings 
have no clue about the life of the heart
And real happiness is not in the lower level of life
But it’s in the higher level of life
That is the life of the heart
That is why real happiness is only
Given to the people of imaan
The people of true faith
Know what real happiness means
Yes.. the people who are chasing the pleasures and the desires of this world
The carnal desires
These people have moments of joy but it’s not real happiness
Real happiness is contentment
A deep and a profound sense of contentment of being satisfied 
with what Allah has given you
This real and profound sense of contentment..
Is real happiness
And it can only be given to the people of imaan
The people of faith
The heart that are full with knowledge of Allah
And the heart that are content with what Allah has given them

But the people who are after their desires
They have moments of joy but it’s not real happiness
And as the heart has life every living thing
As long it is described as having life
It must duffer from something called diseases and illnesses
Human beings suffer from diseases
Why.. because they are a live
Animals suffer from diseases
Why.. because they are alive
Plant suffer from diseases
Why.. because they are living creature
So every living creature
As long as it has life it has to suffer from something called diseases
The heart they have the quality of life
They also have the quality of being prone to diseases
To illnesses
And this is something very important 
because many people hearts are so diseased
Have been suffering from illnesses 
until they reached that point where they are dead
The life has been taken away from them
And when the spiritual heart is diseased and problematic
Then one’s relationship with Allah as well is problematic
And realise that when it comes to the spiritual heart
It is far more important than the physical heart

Our prophet s.a.w said :
That know Allah does not look at your shapes nor at your bodies
But rather Allah looks at your deeds and at your hearts
What is important to Allah is not the physical shape

people spend hours worrying about the outer state
and few of people think about the internal state
and people judge us by external states
but Allah judges us by our internal state
people look at your outer shape and body
people look at how you are dressed
how you are physically fit
but Allah does not care about your outer bodies
Allah cares about your deeds and about your hearts

'smile when trying not to cry'
2.04 am

Monday, July 25, 2016


It's not easy
But it should be..

Apabila pelangi masih belum terlaskar
Lalu akulah pelangi hiasi hari2 sendiri

May Allah easy your journey today n day after
May Allah easy everything to me too
Please be strong!

journey of degree student

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Jun 2016
"original from lensa time terbang atas langit.. x edit k.." 

andai kau mencari seorang penulis yang sempurna kata
ini bukan tempatnya..

im just can write when i fell about..

dont read if you are not ready to accept!

aku masih sama
orang yang sama 
cuma yang membezakan aku dengan yang sekarang
'mind set'..
dan semuanya perlu di reset semula..
aku pilih untuk diam
menyendiri sepi
bukan beerti aku menyerah
bukan beerti aku sudah pilih kalah
proses reset diri
tak ada siapa yang salah
tak ada siapa yang mnjadi penyebab
ini pilihan sendiri
bukan menyalahkan diri
tapi sedang menolong diri sendiri
mana mungkin aku bisa menolong y lain andai diri sendiri tak tertolong
jadi jaga diri baik-baik ea
aku masih kuat
masih tersenyum riang
masih bisa mengatur langkah jalani hari
tapi aku masih xmampu
hadirkan diri pada dunia yang aku kenali
kadang diam kita bisa buat manusia lain terus bersemangat dan terselamat
kadang juga diam kita buat manusia lain hilang arah lesu dan kalah
bukan kau juga punya pilihan?
mengapa perlu pilih yang kalah sedangkan kau boleh menang dan terselamat..
ingin aku pesan
(pesanan untuk aku jgk la)
focus kehadapan
walau jauh ketinggalan dibelakang
tapi kau tetap ada Allah bersama untuk teruskan larian hingga kegarisan penamat..
jangan pernah sekalipun kau lupa Tuhan
dan jangan pernah kau cuba 'give up'!

walau tiada sepatah kata mengiringi jatuh bangun kalian..
tapi sentiasa cuba iringkan doa buat kalian
kerna Allah itu segala Maha..
dan aku yakin 'the Power of Submission'..

semoga rahmat Allah sentiasa bersama..

setiap air mata yang menitis
kerna ditimpa musibah dan ujian
akan digantikan oleh Allah dengan PAHALA
dan keBAHAGIAAN yang lebih besar
asalkan kita bersabar dan tawakkal 
menerima apa yang telah menjadi kehendaknya..

usaha lagi..

Tabahlah untuk terus bersemangat..
menerimalah agar tak putus semangat..

believe me, life is not about being a loser..

Satu lagi..
seorang wanita xboleh lemah.. 
Sebab nak membentuk generasi..
Banyak pilihan..
Dari rahim sendiri
Tak dari rahim sendiri pun ..
Dari rahim saudara semuslim.. 
Lagi berganda manfaatnya..
Being strong is not an option..
But it's necessity..
